segunda-feira, 27 de maio de 2013

Culture of Fortaleza

Culture of Fortaleza:

The culture developed in Fortaleza throughout its history has accumulated many forms of expression of the sentiments of its population. The religious tradition is very important to everyday life and values ​​of families fortalezenses. The feast of the patron saint, Our Lady of the Assumption on August 15 is an important event, as well as the June Festivals.
It has a very lively cultural life and traditional. Since the late nineteenth century there existed in the city and various associations and literary and scientific institutions. The Institute of Ceará, which was founded in 1887 is the oldest institution still exists. The Academy of Letters Ceará was the first institution of its kind in the country having sindo founded in 1894. Even in the late nineteenth century, in 1892, Fortaleza was the site of a cultural movement of literary expression called "Spiritual Bakery" which called literary style used in the Week of Modern Art in 1922.
There are currently several cultural centers such as the Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste in the City Centre and most importantly, Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture which is located on Iracema Beach, important cultural center and leisure center of Fortaleza.


The cuisine of Northeastern Fortaleza is typically emphasizing dishes like baião two with BBQ lamb or beef Parasols. Seafood is another ingredient in the kitchen fortalezense dishes such as stew stingray, mackerel and snapper fish stews. Other seafood is quite tasted the crab. All Thursdays is tradition to eat a "caranguejada" crab cooked with sauces. The shrimp is also a delicacy savored well in dishes like "shrimp rice" or "shrimp bobo". Market of Fortaleza is possible to buy a multitude of fish that can be prepared in restaurants neighbors. The most common is to buy up shrimp and prepare it "the oil" in the evening of the weekend.
The gastronomic poles of Varjota, Praia de Iracema and Beira Mar Avenue are the places with the greatest diversity of restaurants of diverse cuisines of various nationalities with emphasis on Arabic, French, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, German, Portuguese, Spanish and Swiss besides pizzerias, steakhouses, coffee shops, kitchens and contemporary regional. Another gastronomic lies in the south of Fortaleza on the border with Eusebius in tapioqueiras, a sales center with several restaurants specializing in the preparation of this which is one of the typical foods of the Northeast, the tapioca.


There are several museums in Fortaleza. The most important ones are Ceará Museum that gathers valuable pieces about the culture and people of Ceará and Fortaleza; Museum of Contemporary Art CDMAC that brings together several works by artists contemporaries and the Art Museum of the Federal University of Ceará that quarda rich collection of artists plastic Ceará as Raimundo Cela, Antonio Bandeira and Chico da Silva. Are nearly thirty museums and memorials that keep local history or universal, such as the museums of the Automobile and Motorcycle Museum with cars from around the world and exclusive Lighthouse of Fortaleza - Fortaleza Museum. It has a sample of old images of Fortaleza.

Listed buildings:

Overturning federal Fortaleza are only 5 buildings being the most important house of José de Alencar and José de Alencar Theater, home and momumento up for one of the greatest personalities of Ceará.
With tipping state are fifteen buildings being the most important João Felipe Station which was the first railway station of Ceará, The Palace of Light which was the seat of government of Ceará and is now the headquarters of the Academy of Arts of Ceará, the Lighthouse of Fortaleza which is one of the symbols of Fortaleza and Cinema St. Louis that is among one of the most beautiful theaters in Brazil.
The city fell in 2007 to 25 buildings or areas of interest of the city. The most important are that in Estoril Praia de Iracema was a casino for the Americans during World War 2. The Market Pine is another important listed building and was the first public market in Fortaleza metal frame has a unique beauty and is currently space for cultural events in the city.

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